Enrollment for 2025-2026 at SLMS
SLMS open enrollment window is now closed. At this time, you may enroll and be added to the waiting list on a first come, first served basis. To enroll and be placed on our waitlist, please go to the link below and complete the enrollment application.
For current in district students, login to your account using the link below and choose Spring Lake Middle School Enrollment.
For out of district students, you need to create an account in ParentVUE to apply. Use the link below, and click on Create a New Account. Then once you have set up your account, choose Spring Lake Middle School Enrollment.
Family Information Night 2024
Thank you for joining us for this year's Family Information Night! The information shared in the presentation is linked below for your reference.

Sign up to Shadow at Spring Lake Middle School
Want your child to shadow at our campus for a day? Please sign up for a shadow day below. Your child will come to campus and be buddied up with another student. They will attend classes together and experience all activities during the school day. Shadow days are Tuesdays and Fridays, and run from 8:45 am to 3:10 pm.