The Rincon Valley Home Study Program is an active partnership between the school district and parents who choose to instruct their children at home. The responsibility for delivering daily instruction belongs to the parents; the Home Study program provides direction, guidance, support, and materials with a credentialed teacher developing lesson plans and monitoring progress. Each family is paired with a credentialed teacher and they meet regularly to review student work, prepare new assignments, answer questions, as well as support parents in any way that is needed. Teachers are flexible for meetings. If you are out of town or are unable to meet in person, they can provide Zoom meetings as an option. Open communication between the parent and teacher is instrumental as they work together to navigate the student's academic needs and provide a rich learning experience.
In Rincon Valley's Home Study program, skills and activities can be tailored to address a student’s special interests. Thus, Home Study students have the opportunity to engage in independent study projects that extend their knowledge and enhance learning in an individual and personally tailored way. This individualized instruction provided for students through Home Study follows guidelines established by the district to ensure grade-level skills and standards are met. Home Study students take part in all district and state testing.
The program provides a variety of curriculum options per subject for you to choose from or you can use something that you have already selected. There are several curriculum options to choose from including online programs as well as traditional textbooks, project-based activities, and more. If you need flexibility in your schedule due to traveling, this is the program for you. Field trips, vacations, and travel are used to inspire learning and adjust the projects to incorporate these fun experiences. This flexibility in the curriculum allows us to work together in creating an individualized educational experience for your child. Here are SOME of the curriculum options we offer, but we have many more resources, choices, and are open to other ideas.
Wonders (K-2) | Singapore (K-5th) | Mystery Science (K-5th) | Scott Foresman (K-5th) |
Dimensions (6th-8th) | Edgenuity-Online (6th-8th) | History Alive (6th-8th) | |
Novel Studies (wholistic approach with comprehension, grammar and writing) | Edgenuity-Online (6th-8th) | Project-Based Learning- STEM, labs and projects designed to meet standards | Project-Based Learning- history research and projects designed to cover grade-level content |
All About Reading | Math-You-See | Life, Earth, Physical science textbooks (6th-8th)-projects and labs embedded | |
Edgenuity-Online (6th-8th) | Key to Math- support/intervention (4th-8th) | Standford Science Units (6th grade) | Edgenuity-Online (6th-8th) |
Support: Readworks, Read Naturally, BOB books with activities, Explode the Code, Common Lit, Writing By Design, Spelling Workout and Daily Grammar |
Our Home Study community has an optional on-campus day for students. The current Campus Day schedule for the 2024-2025 school year is the following: Every Wednesday: TK-6th grade from 9:00-1:00. Our classrooms are located at Sequoia Elementary School, which is also where you have your meetings with your teacher. Our time together includes music class, STEM class, art docent lessons, library, recess/lunch, and other enrichment projects focusing on socialization opportunities. Our community also offers field trips and excursion ideas, community get-togethers, and other optional gatherings. Families often have multiple students enrolled in our program and stay with us for many years. All of these extra-enriching opportunities are designed to give your child access to a fulfilling experience but they are all optional. Here is an example of a typical campus day:
9:00-10:00 | Classroom Activity (art, tech, or thematic project) |
10:00-10:30 | Snack and Recess |
10:30-11:15 | Music Class |
11:15-11:35 | Library- read aloud and book checkout |
11:35-12:15 | Lunch and Recess |
12:15-1:00 | STEM Class |
Other programs offered at school sites include band, choir, musical theater, and school sports teams. These extracurricular activities are made available to Home Study students to join if desired. Attendance at assemblies and special school events can also be arranged. This arrangement offers connection to peers, socialization opportunities, the development of cooperative skills, and participation in excellent programs.
When considering Home Study, parents must examine their time commitment, relationship with their child, and ability to provide the organized, daily routine necessary to establish a successful learning environment at home. Many parents find the experience challenging, yet rewarding; giving them insight into teaching and their child’s learning. Assuming the dual role of parent and teacher is not always easy, but with this program, you don't have to navigate this alone. We are here to support you in any way you need, so your homeschooling experience can be successful.
The decision to participate in Home Study needs to be made with a great deal of careful thought and with strong commitments from both student and parent. When the decision is made, the Rincon Valley School District is committed to the success of home study endeavors.
All Rincon Valley students receive a quality education with a strong academic foundation through a challenging and tailored curriculum. Teachers provide ongoing assessments to monitor each student's progress and help make adjustments to meet each student's needs. Home Study provides yet another opportunity for meeting these goals as well as the needs of students and their families.
If you have any questions about the program, please contact Courtney Graves, Home Study Coordinator ~707-723-5125 ~ homestudy@rvusd.org