Dear RVUSD families,
Whited will be open tomorrow. We will let you know by 6am regarding the status for Austin Creek, Sequoia, RVCS- Seqouia, and Binkley.
Thank you!
Dear Rincon Valley Families,
Village, Spring Creek, Matanzas and RVCS-Matanzas will be open for school tomorrow, Friday, October 11th.
We have heard that there is a chance that PG&E's powering up process will allow us to open the rest of our schools tomorrow, Friday, October 11th.
Our plan is to alert families as soon as possible regarding the status of Austin Creek, Sequoia, RVCS- Sequoia, Whited, Binkley and Madrone.
We can not thank you enough for your patience through these uncertain times.
Based on the most recent PG&E updates, Rincon Valley School District is preparing for a partial school closure Thursday, October 10th. Schools that will be closed: Binkley, Madrone, Whited, Sequoia, RVCS-Sequoia, and Austin Creek.
Corrected Date: previous message should have read Thursday, October 10th
Partial closure Thursday. Based on the most recent PG&E updates, here is the plan for tomorrow. Please note that if there are any changes to the plan overnight, we will alert staff and families by 6am tomorrow.
For tomorrow, Thursday, October 19th:
Schools that will be open:
Spring Creek
RVCS- Matanzas
Schools that will remain closed:
Austin Creek
Great News! We have moved our Walkathon to Friday, October 18th! Same great event, same fun activities, one week later. Please update your calendars and Take a Walk on the Wild Side with us next Friday, October 18th from 1-5pm.
October 8, 2019
Dear Rincon Valley Union School District Families,
Due to a PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event, we will be closing all of the schools in our district, including the district office tomorrow, Wednesday, October 9th.
This means all after-school programs, such as athletics and aftercare, are also canceled.
PG&E expects to shut off electricity to these schools because of the increased risk of fires. PG&E uses PSPS when weather conditions such as high winds and low humidity create a high risk for fire. PG&E has informed us that it will not turn the power back on until those dry and windy weather conditions have passed and that it could take up to 48-hours to restore power once the weather improves.
This means that the schools will likely remain closed on Thursday, October 10 and potentially Friday, October 11. We will contact you as soon as more information from PG&E becomes available.
Thank you for your understanding.
Dear Austin Creek Families,
I know many of you are waiting to hear about school closures. Austin Creek will be closed tomorrow. I will send out a detailed message once I have more information.
Our app had crashing problems for users who updated to iOS 13. An update came out yesterday. Affected users should update their app. Please let us know of any continuing issues.
RVUSD wants to hear from you regarding the potential reconfiguration of schools at RVCS (Sequoia and Matanzas), Spring Creek and Matanzas. Join us for a Community Engagement Meeting on Thursday, October 10 at 6PM at the Rincon Valley Union School District Office. Or give your input at
Our Walkathon Auction starts tomorrow! Support your School and have some fun bidding on some hot items like Disneyland tickets, 2 day getaway to Newport, tickets to museums and gift cards of so many local restaurants.
Check it out here
Walk and Roll to School - Today!
Join us for this fun, healthy event!
Meet at Skyhawk Park at 7:50 am to walk or ride up the path to school.
All permission slips and order forms are due FRIDAY! After that all numbers are very limited, so please help us out by preordering dinner, shirts and tickets! We hope you are ready to walk on the WILD SIDE!!
Hello RVUSD Families. We have been informed that PG&E will not be turning off power this evening. PG&E will consider a power shutdown again tomorrow evening (Tuesday). ALL RVUSD schools and programs should be open tomorrow Tuesday, September 24th! We will let you know right away if anything changes.
AT this time, PG&E is NOT planning on shutting the power off, and PG&E might shut the power off Tuesday, September 24th, in the afternoon/evening. For more information:
Dear Parents,
At this time we are on-stand-by for a power shut off. I will share any PG&E updates as soon as they become available.
The district has just received a 24 hr. warning of a potential power shutdown (sent at 9pm on Sunday). From the limited information given, it seems that the affected schools would be Madrone, Binkley, Whited, Sequoia, RVCS- Sequoia and Austin Creek.
A few reminders:
If power goes out during the school day, students will remain on campus through the end of the day.
If power is out before school starts and is not expected to be restored promptly, schools will be closed.
Parents and Visitors to our school,
If you need to use the restroom, please use the adult bathroom located in the school office. The other bathrooms are for student use only.
Have you had a chance to check out our walkathon page? See it here
We could really use your help! Please sign up to volunteer, or donate to the snack bar, or share your equipment. Anything helps. Thank you!
Hawk News!