Distance Learning Information Night/Noche de información sobre educación a distancia Hello Binkley Distance Learning Families. Join us tonight as Principal Kjaer shares key information about the plan for students that will remain in the full distance learning model. Join Zoom Meeting https://rvusd.zoom.us/j/95370712580?pwd=N1JVREprT2VDV1Z6U3lPSjFCendiUT09 Meeting ID: 953 7071 2580, Passcode: 262384 Hola familias de aprendizaje a distancia de Binkley. Únase a nosotros esta noche mientras el director Kjaer comparte información clave sobre el plan para los estudiantes que permanecerán en el modelo de aprendizaje a distancia completo. Unirse a la reunión de Zoomhttps://rvusd.zoom.us/j/95370712580?pwd=N1JVREprT2VDV1Z6U3lPSjFCendiUT09ID de reunión: 953 7071 2580, código de acceso: 262384
almost 4 years ago, Binkley Elementary Charter
Dear RVUSD Community, We will be having a special board meeting tomorrow, March 16th, at 5 pm. Please use the link below to join. https://rvusd.zoom.us/j/92346101062
almost 4 years ago, Rincon Valley USD
Click on the link below to read more about the RVUSD Food Services Plan for Hybrid Learning. https://drive.google.com/file/d/17BHO99i2uBPLrAHSxB23SrHnZFxrMa_S/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Alison Smith
fs hybrid plan
Click on the link below to find out more information on the RVUSD Food Services Hybrid Plan for student meals. https://drive.google.com/file/d/17BHO99i2uBPLrAHSxB23SrHnZFxrMa_S/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Alison Smith
hybrid FS
Looking to enroll with RVUSD? Click on the link below to apply. http://bit.ly/3l8Z9wa
almost 4 years ago, Rincon Valley USD
2021-2022 Enrollment
Binkley Parent Information Night Tonight Our date for returning to in-person learning has shifted to March 29. We will hold a Binkley Parent Info Night for In-person Learning via zoom tonight Wednesday, March 10 at 6:00 pm. Principal Kjaer will be going over all the details for our hybrid instructional model, including procedures for arrival and departure, health and safety protocols, etc. We have a strict set of guidelines that we must follow and we want to make sure our whole community is informed of the new practices we have put in place. As a community, we have a responsibility to one another to ensure that all students, families and staff remain healthy and safe. We hope you will tune in to hear about our plan. https://rvusd.zoom.us/j/97747150766?pwd=UzNtUmhyKzVlVG5udTNCM21qcnE2QT09 Meeting ID: 977 4715 0766 Passcode: 600178 Noche de información para padres de Binkley esta noche Nuestra fecha para regresar al aprendizaje en persona se ha cambiado al 29 de marzo. Celebraremos una Noche de información para padres de Binkley para el aprendizaje en persona a través de zoom esta noche el miércoles 10 de marzo a las 6:00 pm . El director Kjaer repasará todos los detalles de nuestro modelo de instrucción híbrido, incluidos los procedimientos de llegada y salida, protocolos de salud y seguridad, etc. Tenemos un conjunto estricto de pautas que debemos seguir y queremos asegurarnos de que toda nuestra comunidad esté informado de las nuevas prácticas que hemos implementado. Como comunidad, tenemos la responsabilidad de asegurarnos de que todos los estudiantes, las familias y el personal se mantengan sanos y seguros. Esperamos que se sintonice para conocer nuestro plan. https://rvusd.zoom.us/j/97747150766?pwd=UzNtUmhyKzVlVG5udTNCM21qcnE2QT09 Meeting ID: 977 4715 0766 Passcode: 600178
almost 4 years ago, Binkley Elementary Charter
Dear RVUSD Community, Here is the direct link to tonights board meeting. https://rvusd.zoom.us/j/92346101062
almost 4 years ago, Rincon Valley USD
Dear RVUSD Community, Our online board packet system is having some technical issues. If you are not able to access the agenda using the button on our homepage, this is a direct link to the agenda. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1786hlQJ_hjNdm7GoIJk-ncG-G6vLlle-/view?usp=sharing The Zoom link is for our 6:00pm meeting is  https://rvusd.zoom.us/j/92346101062
almost 4 years ago, Rincon Valley USD
Binkley Bobcats, LAST CHANCE for the Book Fair! Go to www.copperfair.com to snag some new books for your family and support our school library. Book Fair closes on Sunday! ¡ÚLTIMA OPORTUNIDAD para la Feria del Libro! Vaya a www.copperfair.com para conseguir algunos libros nuevos para su familia y apoyar la biblioteca de nuestra escuela. ¡La Feria del Libro cierra el domingo!
almost 4 years ago, Binkley Elementary Charter
Book Fair Flyer
Our Binkley Book Fair is open now through Sunday, March 7! This year, the book fair is ALL ONLINE. Just go to www.copperfair.com to shop. When checking out, be sure to choose Binkley Elementary and 10-20% of your purchase will go towards purchasing new books for our Bobcat library. We are so THANKFUL for your support!! ¡Nuestra Feria del Libro de Binkley está abierta desde ahora hasta el domingo 7 de marzo! Este año, la feria del libro es TODO EN LÍNEA. Simplemente vaya a www.copperfair.com para comprar. Al pagar, asegúrese de elegir Binkley Elementary y el 10-20% de su compra se destinará a la compra de libros nuevos para nuestra biblioteca Bobcat. Estamos muy AGRADECIDOS por su apoyo !!
almost 4 years ago, Binkley Elementary Charter
Book Fair Flyer
RVUSD Community, Here is link to the presentation and recording of the budget meeting on 2/23/21 http://bit.ly/RVUSD-Budget-2-23
almost 4 years ago, Rincon Valley USD
Hello Binkley Bobcats! Click the link below to view the 3/1/21 Family Newsletter From Principal Kjaer.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SD6XGi_uncdYahRX9oTw3p5uIagYRfGJMbEes9cojiU/edit?usp=sharing ¡Hola Binkley Bobcats! Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver el boletín familiar del 3/1/21 del director Kjaer. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SD6XGi_uncdYahRX9oTw3p5uIagYRfGJMbEes9cojiU/edit?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Binkley Elementary Charter
Binkley Bobcat
RVUSD Families, The goal of Rincon Valley Union School District is to ensure a safe return to school for all students and staff. Please click on the link below to view our COVID-19 Parent Handbook. COVID-19 Parent Handbook: http://bit.ly/2Pck7hH
almost 4 years ago, Rincon Valley USD
COVID-19 Parent Handbook
Hello Binkley Bobcats! Click the link below for the 2/22/21 Family Newsletter from Principal Kjaer. Have a wonderful week! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zsVm9hiUysberGGfDUU3fpFy_pw1oVwmU2SFmctqaWE/edit?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Binkley Elementary Charter
Binkley Bobcat
RVUSD Families, Please see the link below regarding the RVUSD Friday Family Update as of 2/19/2021. Update: http://bit.ly/3s9iU8Z
almost 4 years ago, Rincon Valley USD
RVUSD Families, Please see the link below for our upcoming Budget Public Forum. http://bit.ly/3auK84a
almost 4 years ago, Rincon Valley USD
Hello Binkley Bobcats! Join us for our second TK/K Parent Information Night, starting at 6:30 pm tonight! Click the following link to join the zoom. https://rvusd.zoom.us/j/92401554977?pwd=WlNVMEU3NjR0N3hlY3ZqZEU1NFZLdz09 Meeting ID: 924 0155 4977 Passcode: 479513
almost 4 years ago, Binkley Elementary Charter
Dear RVUSD Community, Here is the link for tonights board meeting. https://rvusd.zoom.us/j/92346101062 The link in the agenda requires copying and pasting and clicking will not work.
almost 4 years ago, Rincon Valley USD
Binkley Families, we hope you will join us for our ELAC meeting today at 3:00! Use the following Zoom link to join. Spanish translation will be provided. https://rvusd.zoom.us/j/95325438448?pwd=am1KZmNtOUpueDNkYy82bTZvbkNGUT09 Meeting ID: 953 2543 8448 Passcode: 808172 ¡Familias de Binkley, esperamos que se unan a nosotros para nuestra reunión de ELAC hoy a las 3:00! Utilice el siguiente enlace de Zoom para unirse. Se proporcionará traducción al español. https://rvusd.zoom.us/j/95325438448?pwd=am1KZmNtOUpueDNkYy82bTZvbkNGUT09 ID de reunión: 953 2543 8448 Código de acceso: 808172
almost 4 years ago, Binkley Elementary Charter
1st-6th grade online registration starts today, February 9th. Visit our website for more information at www.rvusd.org
almost 4 years ago, Rincon Valley USD
1st-6th Online Registration