Advanced Learners

Advanced Learners Guidelines:
The Rincon Valley Union School District is committed to providing intentional, targeted instruction and intervention for every learner, including learners who exhibit advanced learner characteristics. The following guidelines ensure that we identify the academic and social emotional needs of these learners and provide the support they deserve to make growth in these areas.
The needs of advanced learners are identified and addressed using a process that is aligned to the Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) Framework. This framework ensures that all learners demonstrate growth and that each learner receives the academic, social, and behavioral support needed for this growth to happen.
The majority of advanced learner needs can be met within the regular classroom setting through appropriately challenging Universal Supports and Interventions using differentiated instruction, tiered assignments, flexible grouping, high expectations and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Teachers are provided with on-going opportunities to receive professional development focused on meeting both the academic and social/emotional needs of gifted students and differentiated instruction.