Austin Creek Elementary (TK-6th)
1480 Snowy Egret Drive
(707) 538-2122
Binkley Elementary Charter (TK-6th)
4965 Canyon Drive
(707) 539-6060
Madrone Elementary (TK-6th)
4550 Rinconada Drive
(707) 539-9665
Sequoia Elementary (TK-6th)
5305 Dupont Drive
(707) 539-3410
Manzanita Elementary Charter (TK-6th)
1687 Yulupa Avenue
(707) 546-6183
Village Elementary Charter (TK-6th)
900 Yulupa Avenue
(707) 545-5754
Whited Elementary Charter (TK-6th)
4995 Sonoma Highway
(707) 539-2400
Spring Lake Middle School (7th-8th)
4675 Mayette Ave
(707) 545-1771

7th-8th Grade Spring Lake Middle School
Our open enrollment period for Spring Lake Middle has now closed. Good news, you can secure your space on our waitlist and we will contact in the event space opens up. Please make sure to register as soon as possible.
If your child currently attends a RVUSD school, you can use your existing ParentVue account to apply. If your child goes to a school out of district, please create an account to apply.
TK-6th Grade Registration Information
TK-6th grade online registration dates below 2025-2026 school year. Click here to register
For more information on how to register online, click on this link for directions
To learn more about our schools, sign up to take a School Tour: Coming soon!
To read about some Frequently Asked Questions about Enrollment, click here.
TK Priority registration for the 2025-2026 school year.
(For TK birthdays: Sept. 2, 2020-Sept. 1, 2021)
K-6th Priority registration for the 2025-2026 school year.
(For Kindergarten birthdays: Sept. 2, 2019-Sept. 1, 2020)
SCOE and County Health are partnering to remind parents of state-required (non-COVID) vaccines that children must have at least started to receive before they can attend public or private schools. Students who have not started receiving the mandated vaccines are to be excluded from school until they begin. These include polio, measles, mumps and other childhood diseases, but not the COVID-19 vaccine, which remains strongly recommended. Vaccinations are required for new TK and K students as well as boosters for 7th graders at all public and private schools. Please click here to read about TK FAQ's from Shots for School. For more details on required vaccines, visit
Inter District Transfer Policy:
The District must meet it's obligation to serve resident students before using it's resources to serve new students who transfer into the District through an inter-district transfer agreement. The Governing Board of this District supports providing out-of District students with an in-District placement where possible. In order to accomplish this, the District must determine the limitations on capacity for purposes of inter-district transfers exist to allow for in-district residents.
Classes at the relevant grade level may be deemed to be full for the purposes of inter-district transfer when TK classes reach 17:1, when K-3rd classes reach 21:1, when 4th-6th grade classes reach 28:1 and when 7th-8th grade classes reach 30:1.
For special day class ("SDC") students, in addition to considerations of grade level and district capacity: A Mild-to-Moderate SOC may be deemed full for purposes of inter-district transfers when the student:teacher ratio exceeds 8:1. A Moderate-to-Severe SOC may be deemed full for purposes of inter-district transfers when the student:teacher ratio exceeds 8:1.
Click here to read the Board Resolution for Classroom Capacity Limits
Please call Simone Reed at 707-542-9802 or email at for more information.
November 12 – December 13 | TK-6th grade priority registration (In-district students, siblings of students currently enrolled in a Rincon Valley School, and employees’ children) |
December 13 -January 28 | TK-6th grade general registration. In district students will be placed in a Rincon Valley School, depending on space available. Inter-District Transfer and Intra-District Transfer application window opens. |
January 22 | Priority Registration Lottery (if needed) (In-district students, siblings of students currently enrolled in a Rincon Valley School, and employees’ children) |
January 29 | General Registration Lottery (if needed) |
March 5 | Approval of Intra-District Transfer Applications |
March 12 | Approval of Inter-District Transfer Applications |
April - Ongoing | TK-6th grade Registration packets accepted on first-come, first- serve basis for in district students, siblings, and RVUSD employee transfers. |
First Day of School (August 2025)
First- serve basis for neighborhood students, sibling transfers, and RVUSD employee transfers.

Full Day Kindergarten: Students learn all day in Rincon Valley schools!
They are given the gift of time to maximize their learning potential.
See Transfer Information Page for out-of-district application process.
Priority registration will be available online. When completing your online packet, please have the following; your child's birth certificate, immunization record and proof or residency (PG&E or utility bill) to confirm student eligibility. Each registration packet is checked for completion and will be date stamped upon verification. Priority is given to siblings of existing RVUSD students and families who live within our boundaries.
Copy of one of the following: Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate, Passport
Copy of most recent immunization records
Proof of address (utility bill)
Photo I.D.
Copy of 504 or IEP, if applicable
Math: Counting, sorting, patterning, shapes and simple addition help students build skills that lead to complex mathematical understanding in later years. Problem solving and reasoning are taught to bring concepts from the abstract to the concrete. | Language Arts: Students learn the building blocks of reading and writing through our adopted reading program, “Benchmark Advance.” Phonics and literature are used to instill confidence, a love of reading, and learning through reading. |
Art: Through the Rincon Valley Art Docent program, students are given the opportunity to learn art appreciation and participate in specially designed hands-on art lessons. | Music: Each class visits a music teacher weekly for rhythm activities, dance, songs and beginning musical theory. Classroom music is also an important part of the day. |
Science: Each campus has a Rincon Valley Educational Foundation funded science lab which allows an easy connection to the science curriculum | Technology: Student devices are available for use in each classroom. Students access Waterford Early Reading in their classrooms. This program supplements the daily phonics instruction. They also have access to the school computer lab. |
Library: Students learn library skills and have the opportunity to check out books during their weekly visit to the library. | Physical Education: PE builds large muscles, develop balance and stability, teach body awareness and spatial orientation. Sharing and taking turns is also emphasized. |

The District operates an extended day care program for students in grades TK-6. Extended Care is offered before school, beginning at 7AM, and after school until 6 PM on regular school days, August (first day of school) through June (last day of school).
The Extended Care Program is designed to provide a safe and supervised environment for children. A variety of age-appropriate activities are planned which may include: table games, expressive play, arts and crafts, outdoor play, computer and homework time, story time and a daily snack.
Registration has been moved online. Click here for more information.

For questions regarding registration, please contact Simone Reed, Assistant to the Superintendent at 707-542-9802. or